Trio Tempus Balticus:

              Kristīne BALANAS – violin

              Māra BOTMANE – cello

              Johan RANDVERE – piano

Ieva PARŠA – vocals


  • Bronius KUTAVIČIUS 8 Stasio miniatiūros for violin, cello, and piano
  • Erkki-Sven TÜÜR Dedication for cello and piano
  • Pēteris PLAKIDIS Three songs based on poems by Ojārs Vācietis for vocals and piano
  • Linda LEIMANE Masculine for vocals, cello, and piano (premiere of second version)
  • Ludwig van BEETHOVEN Trio in E-flat major, Op. 38 for violin, cello, and piano
  • Jāzeps MEDIŅŠ Sapņojums for vocals, violin, cello, and piano


Tempus Balticus remain faithful to their composition as a trio, and this time they team up with excellent world-renowned violinist Kristīne Balanas and unsurpassed chamber music performer Ieva Parša, the owner of a warm, far-reaching voice. Their joint efforts will reveal Leimane’s elegance and unmatched creativity as a chamber composer, the unique charm of Plakidis’s songs, and Mediņš’s romantic exultation. A miniature by a young Tüür will represent our Scandinavian-minded neighbour from the north, while Kutavičius will showcase Lithuanian minimalism. The heart of the programme is one of Beethoven’s best early chamber works, whose gracile elegance and energetic simplicity will take you away.


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