Jošo Stefana Trio. Gypsy Swing stīgu virtuozi.

Pühapäeval esineb Aluksne kultuurikeskuses maailmakuulus nn.gipsy-swing-style kitarrist Joscho Stephan oma trioga. Gipsy-swing stiil sai alguse Django Reinhardtist, kes oli mustlaspäritolu Prantsuse dźässkitarrist. Sealt ka see termin. Mustlasmuusikaga aga siin midagi pistmist pole, kui ainult see, et valdav instrument ses stiilis on kitarr.

J.Stephani repertuaar koosneb peaasjalikult jazzmuusika klassikast, aga on ka üllatusi rockmuusikast – tema plaatidel on nii biitleid, J.Hendricksit jt. Esinenud ja plaadistanud on ta paljude teiste kuulsustega nagu Tommy Emmanuel, Bireli Lagrene jpt.

Kuulaja silmale ja kõrvale on tegemist uskumatu tehnikaga ja samas väga atraktiivse muusikaga. Kindlasti peaksid kontserdile tulema kõik Lõuna-Eesti kitarriõpetajad koos oma õpilastega. Sellist maiuspala kontserdi näole ei tule ette igal aastal.

Toivo Tuberik (

The guitarist Joscho Stephan (Germany) will perform at the Aluksne Cultural Center, whose magic guitars feature striking musicality and tunes featuring classic, flamenco, rock, jazz and unique gypsy jazz music.

Joscho Stefan turned to the guitar at the age of six when his father, a local musician, taught him to play his repertoire. This was followed by the acquisition of guitar lessons at the music school and interest in rock music, jazz and other musical styles. At the age of 13, Yoshua first heard songs from legendary jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt. This musical encounter with the young Yoshi left a striking impression and determined the future musical direction, inspiring self-learning to learn, master and develop the mastery and virtuosity of the performance. As Jaso says about the opening of this artist: "In Jango's game, I found everything - rock, jazz, classics, flamenco - all that I liked so much and carried away in other styles. Melody, rhythm, ideas. That was great!".

Joseph Stefan is currently considered one of the world's best guitarists - the artist's individual sound is powerful, pure, flowing, it not only embodies the style of gypsy jazz started by Zhang, but also interprets it at the highest level, actively expanding its borders. Every concert of this artist remains in mind with the amazing guitar, Yosh's wonderful sense of melody and soul performances.


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